Saturday, 29 August 2009

Hmm....Life is always full of surprises i shall say, just the other day i saw this bunch of secondary school kids and they are having fun each topic they talk, they were also talking about the subject or exam they are having. Howw nice was that, they have such an great bright future for them...I see people younger than me, sometime i do envy them because they have a bright and shinning future waiting for them to unlock...

For me, born to have no future, there is no future waiting for me, nor i can make a future because there is future is NOW, this is my limelight and after next year no more, my light will go off no more future nothing at all, i can't even create a future for myself....Don't know, maybe people like me shall just perish with the dust....

But that is fine with me, another thing...when i facing her i am like facing a wall, but i am just plain dumb..trying to bang the wall, people ask me carry on, but i will not because i like that place and i won't budge, call me stupid or dumb, yes i know some of you guys care, but just let me be alright? Stop telling me to move on as this is my problem, don't make it yours....=)

Anyway, forming a group with a bunch of friends, i can't wait what install for us GAA =)....

~xYumex~ blogged at 1:27 am

Thursday, 20 August 2009

If you are given a power to choose....


~xYumex~ blogged at 1:21 am

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Woah, lots of things to say and share....

1st stop, i am super tired of problem happening sick of it i should say, i mean all human relationship be it friends or anything, i really wish i have an ability to kill or destroy and make everything gone just in a moment, no trouble no problems, but the thing is this is part of a cycle called LIFE....-.-

I remembered someone predicted something and it's coming TRUE....I really didn't expect that it soooo fucking accurate, well i have no idea anymore...look like my time is almost up and is time for me to move on to a new heaven......

~xYumex~ blogged at 2:34 am


守護神-The guardian By Jam Project

尽きる事無い 暗黒の破壊者
神に抗えし 悪の化身
凍てついた時 怒りの雄叫び
闇を切り裂く Power!

空がわれる 炎が舞う 巨大魔神見参!
ここまできたらもう誰にも 抑えられない

振りかざしたその手で おまえはなにを掴むのか
熱く高ぶる勇気は 誰のため
共に目指した場所に 答えはきっとあるのだろう
走り続ける先に 未来(あす)を見つめている
今 地平を撃て!

血に飢えた歌 迫り来る破壊者
空を埋め尽くす 悪の軍団
一陣の風 怒りの雷撃
闇を蹴散らせ God!

奴が叫ぶ 大地が鳴る 巨大魔神激突!
ここまできたらもうどこにも 逃げ場所はない

誇り高き勇者は 荒ぶる神の名を受けて
決められたその運命(さだめ)を 走るだけ
世界中の命が おまえの力信じている
燃やせ正義の血潮 未来(あす)を勝ち取るまで
今 希望になれ!

振りかざしたその手で おまえはなにを掴むのか
熱く高ぶる勇気は 誰のため
共に目指した場所に 答えはきっとあるのだろう
走り続ける先に 未来見つめている
今 地平を撃て!

~xYumex~ blogged at 2:31 am