Alright, let me explain, actually this Smarter dragon option is an optional choice but i want to give it a try, IT WAS DIFFICULT, i couldn't believe my eyes when i won, it is very tiring also but at the same time i couldn't use words to describe, it is god damn whatever la, i really don't know how to express my feeling now +)
K that is for today, i will do a very brief introduction for my character and npc in this game tomorrow, Get X-ism +)
~xYumex~ blogged at 10:31 pm
You Scored a 70% which means you are a .... Sincere Lover. You are such a total sweetheart people have a hard time taking you seriously. Sadly, because you are so sincere and sweet you get walked all over. Try to hold your ground a little bit and beware of the selfish lover. The feed off of sincere lovers like yourself. Even though you get used and abused a lot you still have a heart of gold.
What kind of lover are you Take More Quizzes
hmmm interesting that all for today LOL get X-ism!!
~xYumex~ blogged at 12:40 am
Tag by JianYang(tarou) to do this =/
List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for: 1.SZ Series VAIO laptop 2.Souchaku 3.Tokusatsu DVD 4.Anime DvD 5.AND EVERYONE TO STAY HAPPY AS ALWAYS =)
Answer the following questions : 1. The person who tag you is? Tan JianYang (Tarou)
2. Your relationship with him/her is? Brothers
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? Horny, Horny, Horny, Horny and Horny. =)
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you Hmm...Interesting, got wish me happy birthday that all =)
5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you? I goes both way
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will? IMPOSSIBLE, i am straight ok LOL
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be? Answer is in Qns 6
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will? Metallium Kosen him
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be? He cheat on XMM
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is? Study hard and go for the things he want =)
11. Your overall impression of him/her is? Horny
12. How you think people around you will feel about you? Hmm....Interesting, they think i am a failure bah =)
13. The character you love of yourself are? I always do things the way i want +)
14.On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are? I don't hate myself, i love myself but once i hate everything of myself before but not anymore =)
15.The most ideal person you want to be is? Animator, Drummer ( just like yoshiki)
16. Pass this quiz to 10 persons: 1. No one 2. No one 3. No one 4. No one 5. No one 6. No one 7. No one 8. No one 9.No one 10.No one
17. Who is no.6 having relationship with? how the hell i know when i don't want to tag anyone u idiot ?
18. Is no.9 a male or female? Don't Know
19. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? Impossible, because nothing will happen
Question 20. - 39. I HAVE NO ANSWER+)
~xYumex~ blogged at 9:30 pm
On your side 誰か護るためなら 邪魔なもの 壊し続けていい? can't deny その法則進んでって 世界中が空っぽになる可能性
On your side, to protect someone Is it just to destroy what is in your way? can't deny, to continue on that logic There is possibility to make an empty world
時に何も 見えない時 自分の目 見ている景色だけを 信じてるしかない
There are times where you cannot see anything Time to believe only the scenery you see
嵐のような時代も 端から見りゃただのクロニクル その度に 繰り返し 後悔をしたって 忘れたような顔して 仕掛けてくる誰かのEgoが… don't know what, what you say 無視しないで聞いて eyes glazing over
Even an era like a storm, if you see from the edge is only a Chronicle Continue and repeat every time and even if you regret it Someone's Ego will strike with an emotion… don't know what, what you say, don’t ignore me, listen eyes glazing over
on my side 誰も傷付けたくもない いつだって 笑ってる方がいい can't deny そのつもりで生きたって 気付かないだけだっていう可能性
on my side, you don’t want to hurt anyone It’s always better to smile can't deny, I’ve been trying to live that way But there’s a possibility I have not noticed
疑問ばかり 追いかけても 最後には 何にも出来なくなって… それだけは無意味
Even if you chase only doubt You'll end up not able to do anything… That is meaningless
まわり回って未来に 今を見てもただのクロニクル 今ここで 始めよう 連鎖を切るaction 見て見ぬフリしたって 仕掛けてくる誰かのEgoが… don't know what, what you say 無視しないで聞いて eyes glazing over
Going around and around, if you look at Now it is only a Chronicle Let's start now, an action to cut the continuation Even if you ignore it someone’s Ego will strike… don't know what, what you say, don’t ignore me, listen eyes glazing over
嵐のような時代も 端から見りゃただのクロニクル その度に 繰り返し 後悔をしたって 忘れたような顔して 仕掛けてくる誰かのEgoが… don't know what, what you say 無視しないで聞いて eyes glazing over
Even an era like a storm, if you see from the edge is only a Chronicle Continue and repeat every time and even if you regret it Someone's Ego will strike with an emotion… don't know what, what you say, don’t ignore me, listen eyes glazing over
~xYumex~ blogged at 4:02 pm
I could not look back, you'd gone away from me I felt my heart ache I was afraid of following you When I had looked at the shadows on the wall I started running into the night to find the truth in me
嵐吹くこの街がお前を抱く 吹き抜ける風にさえ目を閉じる Arashi fuku kono machi ga omae wo daku Fukinukeru kazeni sae me wo tojiru
お前は走りだす何かに追われるよう 俺が見えないのかすぐそばにいるのに omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni
人波に消えて行く記憶の吐息 愛のない一人舞台もう耐えきれない All of you in my memory is still shining in my heart すれ違う心は溢れる涙に濡れ hitonami ni kiete yuku kioku no toiki ai no nai hitori butai mou taekirenai All of you in my memory is still shining in my heart sure chigau kokoro wa afureru namida nure
紅に染まったこの俺を 慰める奴はもういない kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
もう二度と届かないこの思い 閉ざされた愛に向かい 叫びつづける mou nido to todokanai kono omoi tozasareta ai ni mukai sakebi tsuzukeru
お前は走りだす何かに追われるよう 俺が見えないのかすぐそばにいるのに omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni
紅に染まったこの俺を 慰める奴はもういない kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
もう二度と届かないこの思い 閉ざされた愛に向かい 叫びつづける mou nido to todokanai kono omoi tozasareta ai ni mukai sakebi tsuzukeru
紅に染まったこの俺を 慰める奴はもういない kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
Crying in deep red
~xYumex~ blogged at 12:07 am
I don't know is it me or what? Somehow people i had met in life, people i hate in life, people who really understand me, no matter who they are, i am very grateful to all of you people.
Let's start off with my family, they are the greatest and the most important people in my life, i really thank god for giving me such a wonderful family, even though we had quarrel now and then but is part of family life ain't =) My dad is musician, he played bass guitar for years now, he started playing when he was 15-16. My mom is a very typical mom, full time housewife but one thing is she get paranoid very easily +) My sis, currently studying as a poly student, she is quite good sometimes but she's abit zhi lian oops =X
K now to friends, those who really understand me are the tokuAsian people and Victor goh, i really must thank them too, they had been a very good friends to me, when i needed help they will always be here for me, really thank you guys =)
Now for the people i hate, i also will thank you because i won't be entertained without all your jokes about me and shooting me at my back, but still thanks alot +)
K i shall stop my madness right now, but i am serious for thanking you guys really =)
Everyone think i have a girl in mind, but i going to say it here, i haven't found the right girl yet but finding currently i have no one in mind serious =)
Oh yar I GOT G3-X wohooooo K i will stop here Get X-ism
And this is song is dedicated to everyone i know +)
慢慢地翻开了 月历最后一页 橱窗里下着雪 玻璃倒映你侧脸 望着你 一个人吐着烟 回想起你我之间许下的诺言 温暖了这个瞬间 握你的手 紧一点 外套口袋里面 两人的街 走过许多曲折 来到你面前 轻诉爱你的感觉 好想好想你 珍藏你的笑在心里 送给你我一切 爱不会改变 好想好想你 在这个感谢的季节 送给你我一切 爱你到永远 回家的地铁 转眼又到终点 不能常常见面 更舍不得 要和你说再见 爱情的车箱 我们在第一节 穿过时间与空间 请相信我们会永远 握你的手 紧一点 外套口袋里面 两人的街 走过许多曲折 来到你面前 轻诉爱你的感觉 我喜欢你的天真 你的纯洁和你那份可爱 忘不了我们相识的那一天 永不改变又的那一天 好想好想你 珍藏你的笑在心里 送给你我一切 爱不会改变 好想好想你 在这个感谢的季节 送给你我一切 爱你到永远 好想好想你 珍藏你的笑在心里 送给你我一切 爱不会改变 好想好想你 在这个感谢的季节 送给你我一切 爱你到永远
~xYumex~ blogged at 10:44 pm