Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind? Boy: No Girl: Do you like me? Boy: Not really Girl: Do you want me? Boy: No Girl: Would you cry if I left? Boy: No Girl: Would you live for me? Boy: No Girl: Would you do anything for me? Boy: No Girl: Choose--me or ur life Boy: my life
The girl runs away in shock and pain, and the boy runs after her and says... The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I will die if you leave.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because YOU ARE MY LIFE.
Woah this is romantic...can use to cheat girls
~xYumex~ blogged at 10:18 pm
Ok, after a long time of questioning, pondering and wondering i come to a decision that i should just give up. I know is rather weak for me to do this, but at least we still can maintain as friends, i don't want to let that incident happen again, but well it seem all goes out fine.
Life is like that, there are somethings you need to take up and you must know how to put in down, i rather we stay this way, and i don't want any hatred, after going through this, i also understand that love is not one sided thing, you still must consider how another side think about you before you take action, one of my best friend told me this before, but i didn't understand even after that incident i still don't understand, but now i get it.
Soo hope we could turn out to be the best friends forever, i think this way will be better for the both of us =) HAPPY!!!! LOL
~xYumex~ blogged at 9:36 pm
First thing first, i got damn pissed off when i got sent out of the class and i need to report to the hall since i didn't do ONLY ONE set of poa homework. -.- that feeling is like the majority in my class despise me when i just didn't do one set of homework. Second, i didn't not know there was prelim english oral, and it starts at 3.30pm.
THE MOST SCREW UP THING IS, TWO IDIOTS DID NOT TURN UP FOR THE ORAL, and the english teacher actually want us to wait for these two big shot, why can't they get it over and done with, we are already in session two which is very late and yet she want us to WAIT! @.@
Now for the WORST PART, GOD DAMN IT she didn't talk to me for the whole day. I don't know what to do and just went emo mode(i really tried not to be emo), but i just can't stop it. One of her good friend ask me to give her up as i am not her type(which i am considering now), another one said just confess at least you stand a chance.
Right now, my situation is at a two way point, One is to give her up and at least we still can maintain as the way it is before, another one is confess to her and MIGHT stand a chance to get her.
I really don't know what to choose, i am soo frustrated with myself but what do you expect me to do, the feeling is there is not up to you whether you want to admit or not, is just there. I really need time to think before taking action.......
~xYumex~ blogged at 6:16 pm
I AM SOO GOD DAMN FED UP WITH MYSELF, i don't know, this morning received a letter from my school stating about supplementary and everyday the lesson will end very late FINE! but is ALL ABOUT HER, i can't stop thinking about her.
During lesson time, she talk to me for a little while and i think is already ok but then how i wished she could talk to me LONGER that was what in my mind la. Now the real problem is that sometimes i don't understand what is she thinking, i WANT KNOW but i just couldn't be sure if it was all me, friends around me, some encourage me to confess, some ask me to don't assume, some say give her up(which is the most ridiculous thing i want to hear) i got to agree that i am noob handling this kind of love thing, but what can i do? who ask me to like her? -.- *common sense i am the idiot* =/ i really don't know what to do now, i going to get some rest before i really break down -.-
~xYumex~ blogged at 3:46 pm
Hi folks, yet another day of my life, i am a happy man lol, went to school and early in the morning COLLECTION OF HOMEWORK!!!! what is this? -.- but i soo guai sure got do wan la. LOL, on my way back home, i was pondering whether i should confess to her or not, and at the same time i am scared being rejected, yar i got to agree i don't dare to make confession if i am not sure of the answer, coward right? DAMN IT LA, her smile always steal my heart away, i was distracted at chemistry lesson, i didn't really concentrate until my friend sitting beside me called me, tio shock. -.- ARGHHHHH!!! what should i do? Let her know? or keep it inside my heart ?
This is a song for her I was born to love you Queen
I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yes, I was born to take care of you Every single day...
I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yes, I was born to take care of you Every single day of my life
You are the one for me I am the man for you You were made for me You're my ecstasy If I was given every opportunity I'd kill for your love
So take a chance with me Let me romance with you I'm caught in a dream And my dream's come true It's so hard to believe This is happening to me An amazing feeling Comin' through
I wanna love you I love every little thing about you I wanna love you, love you, love you Born - to love you Born - to love you Yes I was born to love you Born - to love you Born - to love you Every single day - of my life
An amazing feeling Coming through
Yes I was born to love you Every single day of my life
Go, I love you babe Yes I was born to love you I wanna love you, love you, love you I wanna love you I get so lonely, lonely, lonely Yeah, I want to love you Yeah, give it to me
~xYumex~ blogged at 4:58 pm
First of all, today i woke up at 5++ am which is soo early and i'm getting used to it, i brushed up and those thing la, and went out of the house at about 0545 am, the sky is still very very dark, which i totally love it, cause there is no one around you.
Soon the bus came(is a double decker bus), with NO ONE else except the driver la of course, and this is the BEST, i went up and settle down at the front row, when i was reaching the highway, it was soo quiet, got a few car went pass but is like the road is empty, no one walking or anything.
Reached school around 7+am because i loved to take my own sweet time to walk to the school, and we had our USUAL FLAG raising ceremony, and the new principal started nagging all these which i totally hate, maybe i preferred the old principal.
And the TERROR HAS COME, CURRICULUM TIME, and i won't talk about it because it is a boring topic.
I don't know how to describe my feeling, because going to school there are good points and bad points, the bad points is i don't like the school, the good thing is i get to see her, which i felt really happy when i looked at her, so is sort of an two way thingy.
And the thing is, i've just like the girl and she don't know a damn thing about it, for now i really don't know how to face her, oh well time will tell the truth, but there is another saying which can pushed this testimonial, it goes something like this "Coz time goes by, can't stop it right!" if i don't take the chance now, i WILL REGRET! but thing is, i don't know how she feels about me.
I really don't want to lose her, but what can i do? ARGH i don't want to think about it now, for now i will observe more before i take action, i won't repeat my same old idiotic mistake again, and one more thing, i !WILL NOT! be !EMO! again, because is useless being emo, action speaks louder than words.(din expect to say this) HAHAHAHA
SO let's GET X-ISM!
~xYumex~ blogged at 6:07 pm
This is one of the song i like, and is very meaningful to me
英雄 Japanese Lyrics カッコつけてるつもりで得意になって 大事な事は全部置き去りにしちゃって 自分で自分を苦しめているシュウジン そんな僕にサヨナラさTransformation!
闇が怖くてどうする アイツが怖くてどうする 足踏みしてるだけじゃ 進まない
男なら 誰かのために強くなれ 歯を食いしばって 思いっきり守り抜け 転んでもいいよ また立ち上がればいい ただそれだけ できれば 英雄さ
今日もなんだかやる気が起きないなんて 甘え尽くしの自分が本当は嫌いで とりあえずは外(おもて)で深呼吸 更新 そんじゃ今からしましょうかTransformation!
弱気になってどうする 明日の君はどうする? 黙って下向いてちゃ 聞こえない
男なら 誰かのために強くなれ ぶつかり合って 精一杯やってみろ 泣いてもいいよ また笑えればいい ただそれだけ できれば 英雄さ
wow… wow…
男なら 誰かのために強くなれ 女もそうさ 見てるだけじゃ始まらない これが正しいって 言える勇気があればいい ただそれだけ できれば 英雄さ
男なら 誰かのために強くなれ 歯を食いしばって 思いっきり守り抜け 転んでもいいよ また立ち上がればいい ただそれだけ できれば 英雄さ
English Lyrics In becoming proud of how cool I am I ended up leaving behind everything that's important I made myself a suffering prisoner Well goodbye to that part of myself, Transormation!
What're you gonna do if you're afraid of the dark What're you gonna do if you're afraid of them You won't be able to move forward Just stamping around like that
If you're a man, become strong for someone else Bear the pain and protect them the best you can You can stumble, just so long as you get up again And just by doing that You're a hero
Today again I just don't feel like doing anything I really hate that I have to rely on others I take deep breath outside to renovate myself Well then, let's start now, Transformation!
What're you gonna do if you're scared What're you gonna do about yourself tomorrow? Just staying silent and looking down... We can't hear you
If you're a man, become strong for someone else Strike it down with all your might You can cry, just as long as you can laugh again And just by doing that You're a hero
If you're a man, become strong for someone else Women too, nothing is started by just watching If you have the courage to stick up for something Just by doing that You're a hero
If you're a man, become strong for someone else Bear the pain and protect them the best you can You can stumble, just so long as you get up again And just by doing that You're a hero
~xYumex~ blogged at 1:11 am
I really love this song, i think this is the best song to represent me, here go the lyrics
Japanese Lyrics
広がる宇宙の中 Can you feel? 小さな地球の話をしよう Tell me the truth 信じてた未来が 崩れ去ろうとしてる 悲しみをくり返し 彼らは何処へ行くのだろう? 今1人1人の胸の中 目を覚ませ The time to go 強くあたるために まだ 護ることと戦うこと Dilemmaは終わらない・・・走り続けても (The) end justiφ's the mean
明日の この空さえ Keep your real 永遠じゃないかも知れない Over again メッセージを送る 秒読みは始まった・・・ 僕らにはまだきっと やるべきことがあるのなら・・・ 今1人1人の胸の中 呼び覚ませ The way you go 真実を探せ また信じること疑うこと Dilemmaはキリがない・・・さまよい続ける (The) end justiφ's the mean
悲しみをくり返し 僕らは何処へ行くのだろう? 今1人1人の胸の中 目を覚ませ The time to go 強くあたるために まだ 護ることと戦うこと Dilemmaは終わらない・・・走り続けても (The) end justiφ's the mean
English Lyrics
In the growing universe Can you feel? Now let’s talk about a small star Tell me the truth the future I believed in Is about to crumble away Repeating sorrow Where are we going to go? Now in the hearts of everyone Wake up The time to go To go forth strong To protect and to fight again Dilemma doesn’t end… even if we keep running (The) end justiφ’s the mean
Even tomorrow’s sky Keep your real May not be eternal Over again sending the message The countdown has begun… If we might still have Something that we must do… Now in the hearts of everyone Call and wake up The way you go Search for the truth To believe and doubt again Dilemma has no limit… continue wandering (The) end justiφ’s the mean
Repeating sorrow Where will we go? Now in the hearts of everyone Wake up The time to go To go forth strong To protect and to fight again Dilemma doesn’t end… even if we keep running (The) end justiφ’s the mean
~xYumex~ blogged at 2:40 am
Ok, the funeral is already over, and i am really ok now, i think now is the time to move forward and i will, well i am not really going to talk about what happen to the funeral because is way to personal, but i really want to give my thanks to four person, they're Bas, Van, Gareth and Keeliang, they came to give me moral support.Alright today is a brand new day of my life, and i've just woke up, i will see what GOOD things will happen later in the afternoon =) soo get X-ism
~xYumex~ blogged at 12:20 pm
Today is a very very sad day for me, not long ago my grandma passed away, i can't use words to describe how sad it is, but i will like to use a song, and this is for her
Forever Love
Words & Music by Yoshiki
mou hitori de arukenai toki no kaze ga tsuyosugite Ah kizutsuku koto nante nareta hazu dakedo ima wa... Ah kono mama dakishimete nureta mama no kokoro o kawaritsuzukeru kono toki ni kawaranai ai ga aru nara
Will you hold my heart namida uketomete mou kowaresou na All my heart
Forever Love Forever Dream afureru omoi dake ga hageshiku setsunaku jikan o umetsukusu Oh Tell my why .....All I see is blue in my heart....
Will you stay with me kaze ga sugisaru made mata afuredasu All my tears
Forever Love Forever Dream kono mama soba ni ite yoake ni furueru kokoro dakishimete Oh Stay with me
Ah subete ga owareba ii owari no nai kono yoru ni Ah ushinau mono nante nanimo nai anata da-ke
Forever Love Forever Dream kono mama soba ni ite yoake ni furueru kokoro dakishimete
Ah Will you stay with me kaze ga sugiaru made mou dare yori mo soba ni
Forever Love Forever Dream kore ijyou arukenai Oh Tell me why Oh Tell me true oshiete ikiru imi o Forever Love Forever Dream afureru namida no naka kagayaku kisetsu ga eien ni kawaru made Forever Love
~xYumex~ blogged at 5:06 am
 Alright, don't know is it we've got stronger or what, it just quite smoothing getting through this cave, we started out in a small town, and our quest is to find out more about cult, and hence we start out our investigation on North road, and we saw a cave and just went in, we did saw some new monster, but was able to manage easily, i guessed we really got stronger, soo see ya=) there will be more about this game, no worries =)
~xYumex~ blogged at 11:25 pm
Okay, God damn it i am late =X i need to meet boss at 4.30 pm and i am LATE!! well today, my cousin came to my house to play, and she ask another neighbor friend to come my house, and they ask me "Can we go to your room and play?" and i said "YES" but the thing is they messed up my room grrr.....well can't blame them, kids lol. Around 1530 i went to bathe and all that, and i rushed out of the house, but my mom stop me, she asked me to help them clear their stuff.=X
After clearing i rushed to rivervale mall and I AM LATE -.-, but one sorry cannot make it up to boss, so i've treat him drink to compensate(act accordingly of my own will), i ordered something light as my mom got cooked, after we settle down, we went to talk about stuff and all these la, i hang out around at the shop, around 5.30, i went home, i bought one mini melt which only cost $2 and it was DELICIOUS.
Next, in about 30 minutes time, i will start on NWN(Neverwinter nights) Chapter 2 DEATH MODE. i will do a quick review later in the night. SOo see ya again
~xYumex~ blogged at 7:21 pm
BY Ultraman Ace Even till now, i still miss you. Life without you really darkens my day, come to think of the happy time we've spent together, maybe to you, you won't feel happy or what, but to me it meant everything, i wanted to forget about you, but i still couldn't, everything about you is too perfect for me, i really liked you.
My heart belong to you, to you alone. Ever since that day, you never talk to me or contact me, life has been meaningless even now, you may think i am useless, but i don't care, as long as my heart belong to you, it doesn't matter, even you hate me now or maybe you hate me forever, i will still like you, you will be in my heart, hope you are happy in whatever you are doing Wednesday, December 27, 2006
This post is around that time, and it is THE MOST RETARDED POST IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD, really come to think about it, i really is an idiot posting such nonsense stuff, what darkness all kind of shit, utterly nonsense, haix... really regret to post this shit...=) ok i've read one of my bro's blog
Jack-Van I have to agree with Liwen on this fate thingy. Fate do exist of course. She, on one hand, believes in fate. For me and some others like WJ .. might sound a bit funny but we fight against fate at times. I do sometimes and I don't know whether it is a good thing or not. However, I am not willing to let fate to determine my life to turn out to be something that I don't like it to be.
I really like this statement, and i've got to agree with him, each of us we do have our own fate to battle. Is only a matter whether we want to face it or not. Hence i had been battling this monster called fate for SIX months, is a very very very long procedure, all my friends who had supported this few month, i got one thing to say to all of you "THANK YOU!" No matter what is the outcome, i will still live on as MYSELF, i really found myself. So, thank you, ALL OF YOU =)
~xYumex~ blogged at 2:54 pm
This is an epic match, or rather a very memorable day for the Neverwinter Night game, it is the most difficult mode, me and my comrade finally cleared, at the beginning we were soo fired up that we cleared the hallway, after that, we cleared another two minor room, which is not a problem, but the MAIN room is the worst of all time, inside that room, have around 10 - 13 High priest, which is very hard to manage even one, my comrade was about to give up, even me.
The thing is, we continue to try of ways and we just kept failing and FINALLY, we manage to win them, as their spell wears off, we started whacking them like there was no tomorrow, and one more thing, we couldn't even rest to charge up our health, but in the end, we pulled through, and there is only one word that can describe the feeling, that is "SHIOK!"
There will be more reviews for the this game and of course more journey will be revealed in the future...soo SEE YA =)
~xYumex~ blogged at 10:56 pm
Hmmm... i woke up at around 1pm, and then my mom was nagging at me to get change and all that, we went downstair to have lunch with my grandma, and my little cousin was sooo cute, she do all those stupid faces, it was soo damn funny, after that she bugs my mom, saying she want to come my house, and soo she did.
We watch some bugs bunny and listen to Doraemon song, i asked her wether she want to watch Kamen Rider, and she said yes, so i played the 1st episode of Kamen Rider Den O, she was sooo scared of the imagine called momotarous...lol...
After awhile, she wanted to go home, so i sent her back. WAH she was enthusiastic, she was asking this and that, she goes "What is this ar?" "Why the leave fall ar?" and so on, lol i can't believe it, on the way back home, i took some pic, in a nearby soo called SMALL park, i didn't notice that there are so many beautiful trees, flowers and all kind of stuff, while i was taking pic, alot people staring at me, as if i am some weirdo, but don't care them, below are some pics.
  Hope you've enjoyed it, See ya =)
~xYumex~ blogged at 4:16 pm
Alright just a few hours ago, i was playing NWN with my comrade and god hell, it was even impossible to get through, it was soo difficult that we spend almost 1 hour to get the ground floor cleared, in that game, i've found a new great sword, which was cool.....Guess tomorrow we can cleared this level =X
I know i haven't been posting for the past few months, as i really had no time to blog...but i will try my best to maintain this blog...soo SEE YA =)
~xYumex~ blogged at 12:09 am
Alright, half of the year is gone and i've found myself...quite a good feeling, i should say. One thing very important is, there is one group of friend i really must thank, they had been "supporting" me ever since that fateful day happen, but i guess is time to move on. and there is one thing i want to explain about this X thingy. Recently i've been crazy about a Jrock band called X-Japan they've disbanded since 1997 and there is news of them reuniting back at 2007, after 10 years...
Alot of things happened to me in for the past six months, how i fall. how i collect myself up, and most importantly, the friends who had supported throughout these six month.
UltraBrothers Zoffy-Meng Yeow Ultraman-Hwang Seven-Bas Jack-Guan Cheng Tarou-Jianyang Mebius-Yat and of course all the tokuasian people who had helped me out.
These few people has help me out when i was really down in the deepest darkness ever in my whole 17 years of life, they even taught me one thing, if i have trouble in the future, i must be able to face it, and i will!
Next i am going talk about School friends, i really appreciated what my two god-sis had give me, they are the best in my whole secondary life, they are Peirong and Sarah.
As from now, i will continue to relieve the X inside my life...let's get some X-ism
~xYumex~ blogged at 1:25 pm